Costa Rica

Follow Kayla’s board COSTA RICA on Pinterest.

Anybody who knows me know that I am obsessed with pinterest and traveling, well the thought of traveling. Costa Rica is one of the many places on my bucket list where I want to travel. I pinned these pins because they are colorful, unique, and beautiful. Ever since watching the Ice Age, I have always wanted to see a sloth and in this country, sloths are a common sight. Who wouldn’t want to see a real life Sid? I am a food fanatic and their food is very unique and looks delicious. You always have to make sure the food is good before you travel. The scenery is astoundingly beautiful. There is green everywhere, and sky blue waters which nobody ever sees here in Texas. I love to look at God’s creations of nature. My favorite pin though is Costa Rica’s motto “Pura Vida.” It means living the good life or pure life. I love it.

Martes el trece #1

1.¿Adónde fue él cuando se rompió el brazo?

He went to the hospital when he broke his arm.
El fue al hospital cuando el se rompió su brazo.

2.¿Por qué llegó tarde él a la escuela?

He arrived late because he missed (perder) the bus.
El llego tarde porque el perdió el autobús.

3.¿Por qué pensó él que el miércoles sea(would be) mejor día?

Because his friend gave him good news about his wallet.
Porque su amigo le dio buenas noticias sobre su cartera.

4.¿Por qué recibió una detención en la clase de ciencias?

He received a detention because he talked too much(demasiado) in science class.
El recibió a la detención porque el hablo demasiado en la clase de ciencias.

5.¿Qué comió él para el almuerzo?

He didn’t eat nothing for lunch. (remember, in Spanish, you want to answer with a double negative here)
No, el no comio nada para el almuerzo.

My Morning Routine

Primero, yo me despierto a las siete de la mañana. Entonces yo me levanto a las siete y cinco. Luego, yo me cepillo los dientes y el pelo. Entonces, yo me areglo el pelo. Finalmente, yo me visto. Yo voy a la escuela a las siete y treinta.

Chichen Itza

I always wondered about the seven wonders of the world. I knew about the others, but never heard of Chichen Itza. Chichen Itza was one of the greatest Mayan centers of the Peninsula. It has many monuments, including the Kukulkan Pyramid (also known as El Castillo) which was elected as one of the new seven wonders of the world on July 7,2007. Chichen Itza means “at the well of Itsa.” Most sources agree that the first word, Chichen, means seven, but there is considerable debate as to the correct translation of Itza. Chichen Itza was constructed around AD 600. It is located in the Yucatan state in Mexico. It is currently the second most visited archeological site of Mexico.


Chichen Itza mexico

If Hope Were a Color

If hope was a color,
It would be blue
As bright as a bonnet.
If hope was a taste
It would be just like cake.
If hope was a feeling
It would be as painful as an ache.
If hope was a smell
It would be sweet as a rose.
If hope was a sound,
It would be loud as a crow.

A Letter to Granny.

I would like to thank you

for everything you’ve done for me.

You made me a better person

and as happy as can be.

You are my inspiration

which has made me,

better in many things

including Christianity.

Memories swell over me

when I think about your death.

Sometimes I still cry

and it just takes my breath.

I keep a picture of you by my bed

and when I see it I usually say,

I’ll see you again soon,

but for now my life is in the way.

Hopefully, I’ll go up

which is the right way.

For I will pray for you,

Day by Day.